• Play therapy is a specialized therapeutic approach used to support children's mental health and development. It recognizes that play is the natural language of children, through which they communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In play therapy sessions, trained therapists use toys, games, and creative activities as tools to help children express themselves and explore their emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

    Play therapy serves several purposes:

    • Communication: Play allows children to communicate their inner world, experiences, and understanding of their environment to the therapist.

    • Processing Experiences: Through play, children can process and make sense of difficult or traumatic experiences they may have encountered. They can act out scenarios, explore emotions, and find solutions to challenges they face.

    • Healing from Trauma: Play therapy provides a therapeutic space where children can safely express and work through their feelings of fear, anxiety, grief, or confusion related to past traumas.

    • Development of Skills: Play therapy helps children develop and enhance social skills, emotional regulation, problem-solving abilities, and cognitive skills such as memory and attention.

    Overall, play therapy is effective because it meets children at their developmental level and allows them to engage in therapy in a way that feels natural and comfortable. It empowers children to build resilience, cope with challenges, and thrive emotionally and socially.

    If you have more questions about play therapy or would like to explore how it can benefit your child, please feel free to contact us. We're here to support you and your family's mental health and well-being.

  • Play therapy is conducted by registered play therapists, who are licensed mental health professionals with specialized training and certification in this therapeutic approach. Here are the qualifications and credentials of a registered play therapist:

    • Licensed Mental Health Provider: A registered play therapist is typically a licensed psychologist, licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), licensed professional counselor (LPC), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), or a similarly licensed professional in mental health.

    • Additional Training: In addition to their professional licensure, a registered play therapist has completed a minimum of 150 hours of specialized training in play therapy techniques and theory. This training is designed to equip therapists with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize play as a therapeutic tool with children.

    • Supervised Experience: Registered play therapists have also completed supervised clinical experience specifically in play therapy. This supervised practice ensures that therapists have applied their training in real-world therapeutic settings under the guidance of experienced supervisors.

    • Accreditation: Registered play therapists are accredited by the Association for Play Therapy (APT), the leading professional organization that sets standards for play therapy practice and certification. APT provides certification to therapists who meet rigorous educational and experiential requirements.

    Choosing a registered play therapist ensures that you are working with a qualified professional who has the specialized training and expertise to provide effective play therapy interventions tailored to the unique needs of children.

  • It's important to provide your child with simple and accurate information about play therapy to help them feel comfortable and understand its purpose. Here are some tips on how to explain play therapy to your child:

    1.      Introduce the Concept: Explain to your child that they will be visiting a play therapist. Emphasize that the play therapist is someone who helps children by playing with them and talking with them about their feelings and experiences.

    2.      Support and Well-being: Assure your child that the play therapist's goal is to support them in having a happy and healthy life. Reassure them that it's okay to talk about their feelings and that the therapist is there to listen and help.

    3.      Address Specific Concerns: If your child is aware of specific challenges they are facing, such as feeling sad about friends or nervous about school, you can explain that play therapy can be very helpful during these times. Let them know that play therapy is a safe place where they can express their feelings and work through their concerns.

    4.      Normalize the Experience: Let your child know that it's normal to feel nervous or unsure about going to therapy for the first time. Encourage them to ask questions and share any worries they may have about the process.

    5.      Encourage Openness: Encourage your child to be open with you about their sessions. Let them know that you're there to support them and that you're interested in hearing about their experiences with the play therapist.

    By providing your child with clear and supportive information about play therapy, you can help them feel more at ease and confident about starting therapy.

  • During the 15-minute phone consultation, we will focus on understanding your reasons for seeking counseling and what you hope to achieve from therapy. This initial conversation serves several purposes:

    1.      Reasons for Seeking Counseling: You'll have the opportunity to share your concerns, challenges, or goals that have prompted you to consider therapy. This helps us understand your unique situation and how we can best support you.

    2.      Expectations: We'll discuss what you expect from counseling sessions. Whether you're seeking support for yourself, your child, or your family, understanding your expectations helps us tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

    3.      Questions and Clarifications: This consultation is also a chance for you to ask any questions you have about the counseling process, our therapeutic approach, or what to expect during sessions. We want you to feel informed and comfortable about starting therapy.

    4.      Fit and Compatibility: Therapy is most effective when there is a good fit between you and your therapist. During the consultation, we can determine if our approach aligns with your preferences and if we can provide the support you're seeking.

    5.      Next Steps: Based on our discussion, we can discuss potential next steps, such as scheduling an initial session or recommending alternative resources if we determine that our services may not be the best fit for your needs.

    This initial consultation is confidential and allows us to begin understanding how we can best support you on your journey toward improved mental health and well-being.

  • If you have any legal paperwork related to the custody or guardianship of your child, such as a divorce decree, court orders, or custody agreements, we kindly request that you bring a copy to the first meeting with your child.

    Here's why this is important:

    1.      Understanding Legal Context: Legal documents provide valuable context about your child's custody arrangements, parental rights, and any legal agreements that may impact their care and well-being. This information helps us ensure that our therapy services align with your child's legal situation and best interests.

    2.      Privacy and Confidentiality: Your privacy and confidentiality are our priority. Any legal documents you provide will be handled with the utmost discretion and will only be used to support our understanding of your child's family dynamics and background.

    3.      Effective Treatment Planning: Having a clear understanding of your child's legal circumstances allows us to tailor our therapeutic approach accordingly. It helps us address specific challenges or considerations that may arise during therapy sessions and ensures we provide the most appropriate support.

    If you have questions about which documents are necessary or if you're unsure about what to bring, please feel free to contact us before your initial session. We're here to assist you and ensure a smooth and supportive start to your therapy journey.

  • If during our initial sessions we determine that we're not the best fit for your needs or preferences, that's completely okay and normal. Therapy is a highly personalized journey, and finding the right therapist is essential for a positive therapeutic experience.

    Here's how we handle it:

    1.      Open Communication: We encourage open communication throughout the therapy process. If you have concerns or feel that the therapeutic relationship isn't working as you had hoped, please let us know. We're here to listen and understand your perspective.

    2.      Exploration of Alternatives: If we mutually agree that we're not the best fit, we will do our best to connect you with another qualified therapist or play therapist who may better meet your needs. We have a network of trusted colleagues and resources, and we can provide referrals to ensure you find the right support.

    3.      Continued Support: Our priority is your well-being and finding the right therapeutic support for you or your child. We will support you through the transition to another therapist, ensuring a smooth transfer of information and continuity of care.

    4.      Respect for Your Decision: Your comfort and trust in the therapeutic process are paramount. We respect your decision to seek a different therapist who aligns better with your preferences and therapeutic goals.

    Remember, finding the right therapist is a collaborative process, and it's essential to feel comfortable and supported in therapy. We're committed to helping you find the best path forward for your mental health and well-being.

  • Telehealth, or teletherapy, refers to the practice of providing psychotherapy and counseling services remotely, using telecommunications technology such as video conferencing. At Hummingbird Counseling and Consulting, we utilize the Simple Practice platform for our telehealth sessions.

    Here’s how telehealth works at our practice:

    1. Convenient Access: Telehealth allows you to attend therapy sessions from the comfort of your home or any private location with internet access. This is particularly beneficial for clients who may have transportation challenges or prefer the convenience of virtual sessions.

    2. Platform and Process: Prior to your scheduled telehealth session, you will receive a secure link from us via the Simple Practice platform. At the appointed session time, you simply click on the link to join the virtual session. The platform is designed to ensure confidentiality and privacy in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

    3. Client Considerations: While telehealth offers flexibility and accessibility, it may not be suitable for all clients. For children younger than 8 years old, we highly recommend in-person sessions whenever possible. Young children often benefit from the physical presence and interactive nature of face-to-face therapy sessions.

    4. Effective Therapy: Telehealth has been shown to be effective for many clients across different therapeutic needs. It allows for continuity of care, particularly in situations where in-person sessions are not feasible or preferred.

    5. Technical Support: Our team provides technical support and guidance to ensure that your telehealth sessions are seamless and comfortable. We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about using the platform.

    If you have questions about telehealth, its suitability for your therapy needs, or if you would like to schedule a telehealth session, please feel free to reach out. We're committed to providing accessible and effective therapy options that meet your unique circumstances.

  • At Hummingbird Counseling and Consulting, we understand that life can be unpredictable, and circumstances may arise that require you to cancel or reschedule your therapy session. Our cancellation policy is designed to balance flexibility with ensuring that our therapists' time is respected.

    Here are the details of our cancellation policy:

    1.      Notification Requirement: We kindly request that you notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule your therapy session. This advance notice allows us to offer the session time to another client who may be waiting for an appointment.

    2.      Cancellation Fee: If you cancel or reschedule with less than 24 hours notice, you may be billed for the full session fee. This fee helps cover the costs associated with the reserved time slot that could have been allocated to another client.

    3.      Exceptions: We understand that emergencies and unforeseen circumstances can occur. Exceptions to the cancellation policy are made on a case-by-case basis for situations such as sudden illness, family emergencies, or other extenuating circumstances. Please communicate with us as soon as possible if you encounter such situations.

    4.      Respect for Your Time: Just as we value your time, we strive to respect our clients' schedules and commitments. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our cancellation policy.

    Our goal is to provide consistent and reliable therapy services while accommodating the occasional need for flexibility. If you have any questions about our cancellation policy or need to discuss a scheduling issue, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to support you in your therapy journey.